Insiteo Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | Insiteo.h |
Current running task.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) id<ISCancelable> currentTask
Declared In
+ sharedInstance
Static method used to get the unique instance of the InitProvider.
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
Return Value
InitProvider unique instance.
Declared In
+ currentUser
Static method that return the current authenticated user.
+ (ISUser *)currentUser
Return Value
The current authenticated user (could be nil).
Declared In
+ currentSite
Static method that return the current started site.
+ (ISSite *)currentSite
Return Value
The current started site (could be nil).
Declared In
+ getServerTypeDirectoryName:
Static method used to get the main data directory name from a given server type.
+ (NSString *)getServerTypeDirectoryName:(ISEServerType)serverType
serverType |
server type. |
Return Value
The related NSString directory name (could be nil).
Declared In
+ getServerTypeStringForURL:
Static method used to get the server NSString to use in URLs.
+ (NSString *)getServerTypeStringForURL:(ISEServerType)serverType
serverType |
Server type. |
Return Value
The related NSString to use in URLs only (could be nil).
Declared In
+ getServerTypeFromString:
Static method used to get a server type from its given NSString representation.
+ (ISEServerType)getServerTypeFromString:(NSString *)serverTypeString
serverTypeString |
INSITEO server type NSString representation. |
Return Value
The related server type.
Declared In
+ getServerTypeToString:
Static method used to get an NSString representation from a given server type.
+ (NSString *)getServerTypeToString:(ISEServerType)serverType
serverType |
Server type. |
Return Value
The related NSString representation (could be nil).
Declared In
+ getRenderModeFromString:
Static method used to get a render mode from its given NSString representation.
+ (ISERenderMode)getRenderModeFromString:(NSString *)renderModeString
renderModeString |
Render mode NSString representation. |
Return Value
The related render mode.
Declared In
+ getRenderModeToString:
Static method used to get an NSString representation from a given render mode.
+ (NSString *)getRenderModeToString:(ISERenderMode)renderMode
renderMode |
Render mode. |
Return Value
The related NSString representation (could be nil).
Declared In
+ getRootDirectoryPath
Static method used to get the default INSITEO directory path.
+ (NSString *)getRootDirectoryPath
Return Value
The default INSITEO directory path.
Declared In
+ getDebugMode
Method used to know if we are in DEBUG mode.
+ (Boolean)getDebugMode
Return Value
YES if we are in DEBUG mode, otherwise, NO.
Declared In
+ setDebugMode:
Method used to set the DEBUG mode.
+ (void)setDebugMode:(Boolean)debugMode
debugMode |
Boolean parameter used to set the DEBUG mode status. |
Declared In
– isAuthenticated
Method used to know if a user is currently authenticated. @return
- (Boolean)isAuthenticated
Declared In
– hasCurrentSite
Method used to know if a site is currently started.
- (Boolean)hasCurrentSite
Declared In
– launchWithInitializeHandler:andChooseSiteHandler:andStartHandler:andUpdateHandler:andUpdateProgressHandler:
Method used to launch the SDK. It will initialize the API and start and update automatically the suggested site (apiKey get from .plist, language = device language, analyticsAutoStart = .plist > YES, serverType = .plist > ISEServerTypeProd, serverUrl = .plist > nil, renderMode = .plist > ISERenderMode2D).
- (void)launchWithInitializeHandler:(InsiteoInitializeHandler)initializeHandler andChooseSiteHandler:(InsiteoChooseSiteHandler)chooseSiteHandler andStartHandler:(InsiteoStartHandler)startHandler andUpdateHandler:(InsiteoUpdateHandler)updateHandler andUpdateProgressHandler:(InsiteoUpdateProgressHandler)updateProgressHandler
initializeHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding initialization error (nil if success). - suggestedSite Most suitable site to start (nil if fail). - fromLocalCache Boolean used to know if the initialization context is remote or local. |
chooseSiteHandler |
The API choose site handler to call. - return Location used to determine the most suitable site to start (could be nil). |
startHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding start error (nil if success). - newPackages All new available packages (nil if fail). |
updateHandler |
The API update handler to call. - error Corresponding update error (nil if success). |
updateProgressHandler |
The API update progress handler to call. - packageType Current treated package type. - download Boolean used to know if the package is currently downloading or installing. - progress Current package task progress (size for download, files count for install). - total Total size of files count. |
Declared In
– initializeWithAPIKey:andLanguage:andAnalyticsAutoStart:andServerType:andServerUrl:andRenderMode:andInitializeHandler:andChooseSiteHandler:
Method used to initialize the API.
- (void)initializeWithAPIKey:(NSString *)apiKey andLanguage:(NSString *)language andAnalyticsAutoStart:(Boolean)analyticsAutoStart andServerType:(ISEServerType)serverType andServerUrl:(NSString *)serverUrl andRenderMode:(ISERenderMode)renderMode andInitializeHandler:(InsiteoInitializeHandler)initializeHandler andChooseSiteHandler:(InsiteoChooseSiteHandler)chooseSiteHandler
apiKey |
User api key. |
language |
Wanted initialization language (used to get localized push messages). |
analyticsAutoStart |
Boolean used to know if we can start analytics automatically. |
serverType |
INSITEO server type. |
serverUrl |
Specific server URL to use. |
renderMode |
Wanted render mode. |
initializeHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding initialization error (nil if success). - suggestedSite Most suitable site to start (nil if fail). - fromLocalCache Boolean used to know if the initialization context is remote or local. |
chooseSiteHandler |
The API choose site handler to call. - return Location used to determine the most suitable site to start (could be nil). |
Declared In
– initializeWithAPIKey:andLanguage:andAnalyticsAutoStart:andInitializeHandler:andChooseSiteHandler:
Method used to initialize the API (serverType = .plist > ISEServerTypeProd, serverUrl = .plist > nil, renderMode = .plist > ISERenderMode2D).
- (void)initializeWithAPIKey:(NSString *)apiKey andLanguage:(NSString *)language andAnalyticsAutoStart:(Boolean)analyticsAutoStart andInitializeHandler:(InsiteoInitializeHandler)initializeHandler andChooseSiteHandler:(InsiteoChooseSiteHandler)chooseSiteHandler
apiKey |
User api key. |
language |
Wanted initialization language (used to get localized push messages). |
analyticsAutoStart |
Boolean used to know if we can start analytics automatically. |
initializeHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding initialization error (nil if success). - suggestedSite Most suitable site to start (nil if fail). - fromLocalCache Boolean used to know if the initialization context is remote or local. |
chooseSiteHandler |
The API choose site handler to call. - return Location used to determine the most suitable site to start (could be nil). |
Declared In
– initializeWithInitializeHandler:andChooseSiteHandler:
Method used to initialize the API (apiKey get from .plist, language = device language, analyticsAutoStart = .plist > YES, serverType = .plist > ISEServerTypeProd, serverUrl = .plist > nil, renderMode = .plist > ISERenderMode2D).
- (void)initializeWithInitializeHandler:(InsiteoInitializeHandler)initializeHandler andChooseSiteHandler:(InsiteoChooseSiteHandler)chooseSiteHandler
initializeHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding initialization error (nil if success). - suggestedSite Most suitable site to start (nil if fail). - fromLocalCache Boolean used to know if the initialization context is remote or local. |
chooseSiteHandler |
The API choose site handler to call. - return Location used to determine the most suitable site to start (could be nil). |
Declared In
– initializeWithInitializeHandler:
Method used to initialize the API (apiKey get from .plist, language = device language, analyticsAutoStart = .plist > YES, serverType = .plist > ISEServerTypeProd, serverUrl = .plist > nil, renderMode = .plist > ISERenderMode2D, chooseSiteHandler = nil).
- (void)initializeWithInitializeHandler:(InsiteoInitializeHandler)initializeHandler
initializeHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding initialization error (nil if success). - suggestedSite Most suitable site to start (nil if fail). - fromLocalCache Boolean used to know if the initialization context is remote or local. |
Declared In
– initializeLocallyWithLastConfiguration
Method used to initialize the API locally using your .plist configuration (analyticsAutoStart = .plist > YES, serverType = .plist > ISEServerTypeUnknown, serverUrl = .plist > nil, renderMode = .plist > ISERenderModeUnknown)
- (ISError *)initializeLocallyWithLastConfiguration
Return Value
An error if the API has never been synchronized, otherwise nil.
In order to keep your data up-to-date, you will need to call one of the other API initialization method.
Declared In
– initializeLocallyWithLastConfigurationAndAnalyticsAutoStart:andServerType:andServerUrl:andRenderMode:
Method used to initialize the API locally with last known configuration.
- (ISError *)initializeLocallyWithLastConfigurationAndAnalyticsAutoStart:(BOOL)analyticsAutoStart andServerType:(ISEServerType)serverType andServerUrl:(NSString *)serverUrl andRenderMode:(ISERenderMode)renderMode
analyticsAutoStart |
Boolean used to know if we can start analytics automatically. |
serverType |
INSITEO server type. |
serverUrl |
Specific server URL to use (if nil, the url will be created according to the server type). |
renderMode |
Wanted render mode. |
Return Value
An error if the API has never been synchronized, otherwise nil.
In order to keep your data up-to-date, you will need to call one of the other API initialization method.
Declared In
– getBestSiteWithLatitude:andLongitude:
Method used to get the most suitable site from a given lat/long coordinate.
- (ISUserSite *)getBestSiteWithLatitude:(double)latitude andLongitude:(double)longitude
latitude |
Latitude to use. |
longitude |
Longitude to use. |
Return Value
Most suitable site.
Declared In
– startAndUpdateWithSite:andLanguage:andApplicationVersion:andForceDownload:andStartHandler:andUpdateHandler:andUpdateProgressHandler:
Method used to start and update a given site.
- (void)startAndUpdateWithSite:(ISUserSite *)site andLanguage:(NSString *)language andApplicationVersion:(int)applicationVersion andForceDownload:(Boolean)forceDownload andStartHandler:(InsiteoStartHandler)startHandler andUpdateHandler:(InsiteoUpdateHandler)updateHandler andUpdateProgressHandler:(InsiteoUpdateProgressHandler)updateProgressHandler
site |
The site to start and update. |
language |
The language to use. |
applicationVersion |
The application version to use. |
forceDownload |
Boolean used to know if we force the download of packages even if the application is up to date. |
startHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding start error (nil if success). - newPackages All new available packages (nil if fail). |
updateHandler |
The API update handler to call. - error Corresponding update error (nil if success). |
updateProgressHandler |
The API update progress handler to call. - packageType Current treated package type. - download Boolean used to know if the package is currently downloading or installing. - progress Current package task progress (size for download, files count for install). - total Total size of files count. |
Declared In
– startAndUpdateWithSite:andStartHandler:andUpdateHandler:andUpdateProgressHandler:
Method used to start and update a given site (language = most suitable language found, application version = ISDefaultApplicationVersion, forceDownload = NO).
- (void)startAndUpdateWithSite:(ISUserSite *)site andStartHandler:(InsiteoStartHandler)startHandler andUpdateHandler:(InsiteoUpdateHandler)updateHandler andUpdateProgressHandler:(InsiteoUpdateProgressHandler)updateProgressHandler
site |
The site to start and update. |
startHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding start error (nil if success). - newPackages All new available packages (nil if fail). |
updateHandler |
The API update handler to call. - error Corresponding update error (nil if success). |
updateProgressHandler |
The API update progress handler to call. - packageType Current treated package type. - download Boolean used to know if the package is currently downloading or installing. - progress Current package task progress (size for download, files count for install). - total Total size of files count. |
Declared In
– startWithSite:andLanguage:andApplicationVersion:andForceDownload:andStartHandler:
Method used to start a given site.
- (void)startWithSite:(ISUserSite *)site andLanguage:(NSString *)language andApplicationVersion:(int)applicationVersion andForceDownload:(Boolean)forceDownload andStartHandler:(InsiteoStartHandler)startHandler
site |
The site to start. |
language |
The language to use. |
applicationVersion |
The application version to use. |
forceDownload |
Boolean used to know if we force the download of packages even if the application is up to date. |
startHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding start error (nil if success). - newPackages All new available packages (nil if fail). |
Declared In
– startWithSite:andStartHandler:
Method used to start and update a given site (language = most suitable language found, application version = ISDefaultApplicationVersion, forceDownload = NO).
- (void)startWithSite:(ISUserSite *)site andStartHandler:(InsiteoStartHandler)startHandler
site |
The site to start and update. |
startHandler |
The API initialization handler to call. - error Corresponding start error (nil if success). - newPackages All new available packages (nil if fail). |
Declared In
– updateCurrentSiteWithWantedPackages:andUpdateHandler:andUpdateProgressHandler:
Method used to update a given site.
- (void)updateCurrentSiteWithWantedPackages:(NSArray *)wantedPackages andUpdateHandler:(InsiteoUpdateHandler)updateHandler andUpdateProgressHandler:(InsiteoUpdateProgressHandler)updateProgressHandler
wantedPackages |
An array of ISPackage that need to be updated. |
updateHandler |
The API update handler to call. - error Corresponding update error (nil if success). |
updateProgressHandler |
The API update progress handler to call. - packageType Current treated package type. - download Boolean used to know if the package is currently downloading or installing. - progress Current package task progress (size for download, files count for install). - total Total size of files count. |
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