ISGeofenceProvider Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | ISGeofenceProvider.h |
This class handles the geofencing process. You can retrieve an instance of it by calling getModule:GEOFENCING on your location provider. It provides a way to be notified when location is detected in a certain area (see ISGeofenceZone), defined on Insiteo servers. To use this class, you just have to call setDelegate(ISGeofenceDelegate), and start the location. The delegate will then receive notification each time location enter/stay/leave an area.
Geofencing notifications delegate.
@property (weak) id<ISGeofenceDelegate> delegate
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Boolean use to know if the provider is initialized.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) Boolean isInitialized
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Geofence area Renderer.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) ISGeofenceAreaRenderer *renderer
Declared In
– geofenceAreaExistsWithGuid:
Method used to know if a ISGeofenceArea exists with a specified guid.
- (Boolean)geofenceAreaExistsWithGuid:(NSString *)guid
guid |
Corresponding area guid. |
Return Value
YES if the area already exists; otherwise NO.
Declared In
– geofenceAreaExistsWithZoneId:
Method used to know if a ISGeofenceArea exists with a specified zone identifier.
- (Boolean)geofenceAreaExistsWithZoneId:(int)zoneId
zoneId |
Corresponding area zone identifier. |
Return Value
YES if the area already exists; otherwise NO.
Declared In
– geofenceAreaExistsWithZonePoi:
Method used to know if a ISGeofenceArea exists with a specified Zone/Poi association.
- (Boolean)geofenceAreaExistsWithZonePoi:(ISZonePoi *)zonePoi
zonePoi |
Zone/Poi association. |
Return Value
YES if the area already exists; otherwise NO.
Declared In
– geofenceAreaExistsWithArea:
Method used to know if a ISGeofenceArea exists.
- (Boolean)geofenceAreaExistsWithArea:(ISGeofenceArea *)area
area |
Corresponding area. |
Return Value
YES if the area already exists; otherwise NO.
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andLabel:andMessage:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth: with the following values polygon = nil, defaultGeoWidth = value defined in geoPush.csv, enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = value defined in geoPush.csv and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = value defined in geoPush.csv.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:(int)zoneId andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message
zoneId |
zone identifier. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andPolygon:andLabel:andMessage:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth: with the following values defaultGeoWidth = value defined in geoPush.csv, enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = value defined in geoPush.csv and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = value defined in geoPush.csv.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:(int)zoneId andPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message
zoneId |
zone identifier. |
polygon |
Wanted polygon (NSArray of ISPosition). If nil the used polygon will be set according to the geopush default area generation. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andPolygon:andLabel:andMessage:andEventTime:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth: with the following values defaultGeoWidth = value defined in geoPush.csv and enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = value defined in geoPush.csv.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:(int)zoneId andPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEventTime:(float)eventTime
zoneId |
zone identifier. |
polygon |
Wanted polygon (NSArray of ISPosition). If nil the used polygon will be set according to the geopush default area generation. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
eventTime |
The time used to trigged the geofencing events. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:andPolygon:andLabel:andMessage:andEnterEnabled:andEnterTime:andStayEnabled:andStayTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth:
Creates a new ISGeofenceArea for the given zone. The area will be constructed with the given parameters.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:(int)zoneId andPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEnterEnabled:(Boolean)enterEnabled andEnterTime:(float)enterTime andStayEnabled:(Boolean)stayEnabled andStayTime:(float)stayTime andLeaveEnabled:(Boolean)leaveEnabled andLeaveTime:(float)leaveTime andDefaultGeoWidth:(float)defaultGeoWidth
zoneId |
zone identifier. |
polygon |
Wanted polygon (NSArray of ISPosition). If nil the used polygon will be set according to the geopush default area generation. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
enterEnabled |
True if entered event should be enabled. |
enterTime |
The threshold time to trigger the entered event. |
stayEnabled |
True if stayed event should be enabled. |
stayTime |
The threshold time to trigger the stayed event. |
leaveEnabled |
True if leave event should be enabled. |
leaveTime |
The threshold time to trigger the leave event. |
defaultGeoWidth |
The default geofence depth. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andLabel:andMessage:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth: with the following values polygon = nil, defaultGeoWidth = value defined in geoPush.csv, enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = value defined in geoPush.csv and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = value defined in geoPush.csv.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:(ISZonePoi *)zonePoi andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message
zonePoi |
Related Zone/Poi association (could be nil). |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andPolygon:andLabel:andMessage:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth: with the following values defaultGeoWidth = value defined in geoPush.csv, enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = value defined in geoPush.csv and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = value defined in geoPush.csv.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:(ISZonePoi *)zonePoi andPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message
zonePoi |
Related Zone/Poi association (could be nil). |
polygon |
Wanted polygon (NSArray of ISPosition). If nil the used polygon will be set according to the geopush default area generation. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification.. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andPolygon:andLabel:andMessage:andEventTime:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth: with the following values defaultGeoWidth = value defined in geoPush.csv and enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = value defined in geoPush.csv.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:(ISZonePoi *)zonePoi andPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEventTime:(float)eventTime
zonePoi |
Related Zone/Poi association (could be nil). |
polygon |
Wanted polygon (NSArray of ISPosition). If nil the used polygon will be set according to the geopush default area generation. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
eventTime |
The time used to trigged the geofencing events. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:andPolygon:andLabel:andMessage:andEnterEnabled:andEnterTime:andStayEnabled:andStayTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andDefaultGeoWidth:
Creates a new ISGeofenceArea for the given Zone/Poi association. The area will be constructed with the given parameters.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:(ISZonePoi *)zonePoi andPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEnterEnabled:(Boolean)enterEnabled andEnterTime:(float)enterTime andStayEnabled:(Boolean)stayEnabled andStayTime:(float)stayTime andLeaveEnabled:(Boolean)leaveEnabled andLeaveTime:(float)leaveTime andDefaultGeoWidth:(float)defaultGeoWidth
zonePoi |
Related Zone/Poi association (could be nil). |
polygon |
Wanted polygon (NSArray of ISPosition). If nil the used polygon will be set according to the geopush default area generation. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
enterEnabled |
True if entered event should be enabled. |
enterTime |
The threshold time to trigger the entered event. |
stayEnabled |
True if stayed event should be enabled. |
stayTime |
The threshold time to trigger the stayed event. |
leaveEnabled |
True if leave event should be enabled. |
leaveTime |
The threshold time to trigger the leave event. |
defaultGeoWidth |
The default geofence depth. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andLabel:andMessage:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andSize: with the following values size = 4 * ISGeoPushDefaultCustomGeoWidth, enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = true and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = ISGeoPushDefaultEventTime.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:(NSString *)guid andCenter:(ISPosition *)center andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message
guid |
The guid that should be used for the new ISGeofenceArea. Guid can not be null or empty! |
center |
The center of the ISGeofenceArea. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
Return Value
The created ISGeofenceArea or null if it was not properly created.
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andLabel:andMessage:andEventTime:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andSize: with the following values size = 4 * ISGeoPushDefaultCustomGeoWidth, enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = true and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = eventTime.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:(NSString *)guid andCenter:(ISPosition *)center andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEventTime:(float)eventTime
guid |
The guid that should be used for the new ISGeofenceArea. Guid can not be null or empty! |
center |
The center of the ISGeofenceArea. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
eventTime |
The time used to trigged the geofencing events. |
Return Value
The created ISGeofenceArea or null if it was not properly created.
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andLabel:andMessage:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andSize: with the following values size = 4 * ISGeoPushDefaultCustomGeoWidth.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:(NSString *)guid andCenter:(ISPosition *)center andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEnterEnabled:(Boolean)enteredEnabled andEnteredTime:(float)enteredTime andStayedEnabled:(Boolean)stayedEnabled andStayedTime:(float)stayedTime andLeaveEnabled:(Boolean)leaveEnabled andLeaveTime:(float)leaveTime
guid |
The guid that should be used for the new ISGeofenceArea. Guid can not be null or empty! |
center |
The center of the ISGeofenceArea. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
enteredEnabled |
True if entered event should be enabled. |
enteredTime |
The threshold time to trigger the entered event. |
stayedEnabled |
True if stayed event should be enabled. |
stayedTime |
The threshold time to trigger the stayed event. |
leaveEnabled |
True if leave event should be enabled. |
leaveTime |
The threshold time to trigger the leave event. |
Return Value
The created ISGeofenceArea or null if it was not properly created.
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andLabel:andMessage:andSize:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andSize: with the following values enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = true and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = ISGeoPushDefaultEventTime.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:(NSString *)guid andCenter:(ISPosition *)center andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andSize:(float)size
guid |
The guid that should be used for the new ISGeofenceArea. Guid can not be null or empty! |
center |
The center of the ISGeofenceArea. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
size |
The size for the square. |
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andLabel:andMessage:andEventTime:andSize:
Equivalent to addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andContent:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andSize: with the following values enteredEnabled = stayedEnabled = leaveEnabled = true and enteredTime = stayedTime = leaveTime = eventTime.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:(NSString *)guid andCenter:(ISPosition *)center andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEventTime:(float)eventTime andSize:(float)size
guid |
The guid that should be used for the new ISGeofenceArea. Guid can not be null or empty! |
center |
The center of the ISGeofenceArea. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
eventTime |
The time used to trigged the geofencing events. |
size |
The size for the square. |
Return Value
The created GeofenceArea or null if it was not properly created.
Declared In
– addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:andCenter:andLabel:andMessage:andEnterEnabled:andEnteredTime:andStayedEnabled:andStayedTime:andLeaveEnabled:andLeaveTime:andSize:
Creates a new ISGeofenceArea around the given Position. The area will be a square constructed with the given size.
- (ISGeofenceArea *)addGeofenceAreaWithGUID:(NSString *)guid andCenter:(ISPosition *)center andLabel:(NSString *)label andMessage:(NSString *)message andEnterEnabled:(Boolean)enteredEnabled andEnteredTime:(float)enteredTime andStayedEnabled:(Boolean)stayedEnabled andStayedTime:(float)stayedTime andLeaveEnabled:(Boolean)leaveEnabled andLeaveTime:(float)leaveTime andSize:(float)size
guid |
The guid that should be used for the new GeofenceArea. Guid can not be nil or empty! |
center |
The center of the GeofenceArea. |
label |
A label that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
message |
A message that can be retrieved when the corresponding ISGeofenceArea fires and that can be used for your custom notification. |
enteredEnabled |
True if entered event should be enabled. |
enteredTime |
The threshold time to trigger the entered event. |
stayedEnabled |
True if stayed event should be enabled. |
stayedTime |
The threshold time to trigger the stayed event. |
leaveEnabled |
True if leave event should be enabled. |
leaveTime |
The threshold time to trigger the leave event. |
size |
The size for the square. |
Return Value
The created GeofenceArea or nil if it was not properly created.
Declared In
– removeGeofenceAreaWithGuid:
Method used to remove a ISGeofenceArea according to its guid.
- (void)removeGeofenceAreaWithGuid:(NSString *)guid
guid |
Corresponding area guid to remove. |
Declared In
– removeGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:
Method used to remove a ISGeofenceArea according to a zone identifier.
- (void)removeGeofenceAreaWithZoneId:(int)zoneId
zoneId |
Corresponding zone identifier to remove from. |
Declared In
– removeGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:
Method used to remove a ISGeofenceArea according to a Zone/Poi association.
- (void)removeGeofenceAreaWithZonePoi:(ISZonePoi *)zonePoi
zonePoi |
Corresponding Zone/Poi association to remove from. |
Declared In
– removeGeofenceAreaWithArea:
Method used to remove a ISGeofenceArea.
- (void)removeGeofenceAreaWithArea:(ISGeofenceArea *)area
area |
Area to remove. |
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